Sunday, October 25, 2009

i love, i love, i love!

i love when he runs around the island in the kitchen, laughing and screaming.

i love how he takes mommy & daddy's hand and leads us to where he wants to go.

i love when he wakes up from his nap, and he is so cranky and wants to be held tight.

i love his face when he drinks from a straw.

i love how he talks in his own little language and looks at us like we are supposed to understand him.

i love how he lays on his belly and stretches out in the bath tub.

i love how he can't have messy hands.

i love how he always wants to wear his crocs and gets upset if they aren't on.

i love how he takes his stuffed giraffe and bends his head down to eat the dog's food.

i love how he helps me unload the dishwasher, and lets the dogs, in and feeds the dogs.

i love how he waves bye to me when I put him in bed.

i love how he cried when I went to work yesterday morning. (and I hate it too)

1 comment:

Kathy said...

I Love your list and I love little Ethan and You are special!!!!