Wednesday, November 29, 2006


For some unknown reason, my cat loves to wake me up at around 4 in the morning. It sounds like a baby crying. Maybe it is due to the fact that he is 20 lbs and all he wants to do is eat. I don't know, it is starting to drive me crazy. Usually after I can't take it anymore, I'll go give him more food. Then about 5 minutes after that he makes out another really interesting sound. Do you think something might actually be wrong with him?


Sarah said...

You should get one of those feeders that you fill about once a week or so, then it just falls to the bowl. I have one for my "kids" and it works beautifully.

I would doubt something is wrong, if there was I would think she would cry more often/randomly...

Wrestling Kitties said...

We fill a bowl every couple days with food and just let them eat out of it when they want. If it gets low at night or they eat it all at night "fatty" - nickname for our 18 lb cat, will meow in the middle of the night!

Our oldest cat was a Humane Society cat and would meow loudly everynight for the first 8 months or so until he got use to us. He wanted to be outside exploring and not with us. In April we got a kitten and now he only meows once in a while randomly at night. I think it is to just let us know he is there, haha!!

If your cat doesn't make the sound during the day then he/she is probably ok - maybe just wants attention! I don't know if I will ever understand cats!!